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Cloud cost management
made simple

Streamline operations and boost profitability with actionable insights and precise expense control

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trusted by companies worldwide

Elevating cloud understanding for business excellence

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No. 1 in Japan

Manages $200M+ cloud resources a year in Japan alone

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Go-to provider by AWS Premier Partners

Preferred FinOps solution provider by 25% of AWS Premier Partners in Japan

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3k+ monthly active users

Over 3000 monthly active users uses Ripple to manage their cloud cost billing

Products and services


Crafted for companies that utilizes public cloud to bridge the knowledge gap between different teams to ensure transparent and optimised cloud spending.

  • Customisable cost reports for specific users
  • Simplified flow and interface to look into granular data
  • Ability to create groupings for accounts and resources from multiple cloud providers
Octo product illustration
Ripple product illustration


Designed for cloud resellers and IT consulting companies who need to streamline cloud resource management

  • Automated billing process for each client
  • Lowers procurement cost through discounted resources utilisation
  • Intelligent cost management dashboard

Professional services

Created to instil foundational FinOps knowledge to your team or help you implement FinOps practises in your organization

  • Create awareness among the team to effectively manage and optimize cloud expenditure, fostering collaboration across departments
  • Work together with the Alphaus team to build the FinOps dream team in your organization
Ripple product illustration

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